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    1. Driver Suspension and Disqualification Policy

    This document is intended to serve as a guide to users of the Raida, a business incorporated under the laws of Tanzania and registered under Brela, registration number 154764496 (“Raida”), or its affiliates ( Raida) app and platform (Raida App), which refers to each of the  Raida Driver App and  Raida Rider App or both, collectively) regarding suspension or deactivation of a driver account. In this document a reference to a driver account includes a reference to a fleet operator account.


    As part of our commitment to safety, we may temporarily suspend a driver’s account, or permanently deactivate a driver’s account. We have created a Driver Suspension and Disqualification Policy to provide guidance and allow drivers in their capacity as users of the  Raida App to clearly understand when and why we would suspend or deactivate a driver’s account.

    The policy isn’t intended to capture every possible reason for deactivating a driver’s account and we may suspend a driver’s account if, acting reasonably, we believe that the driver has failed to meet an objectively high standard of performance. The policy provides a guide on the circumstances and behaviours that may result in the suspension or deactivation of a driver’s account and/or access to the  Raida App.

    This policy is intended to help to maintain a service standard and protect  Raida’s reputation, for the mutual benefit of  Raida, all drivers, and passengers.

    This policy may be updated from time to time. Where changes are made, we will notify drivers of those changes accordingly. We recommend that fleet operators and drivers regularly read this policy and are fully-aware of its contents.

    1. Quality of service

    Passengers expect a high quality of service from drivers who use the  Raida App. A driver’s account may be suspended or permanently deactivated for poor service provided by the driver to passengers.

    (a)What is poor service? We measure quality of service using metrics such as passenger ratings, acceptance rates (AR) and completion rates (CR).

    (i)Passenger ratings: Passengers are able to rate drivers after every trip using a 5-star rating.

    (ii)Completion rates: The Raida App calculates the cancellation rates of drivers. The cancellation rate refers to the ratio of requests accepted but cancelled by a driver to requests accepted. For example, if a driver accepts 10 requests, and completes 8, the cancellation rate is 20%.

    (iii) Acceptance rates: The Raida App calculates the acceptance rates of drivers. The acceptance rate refers to the ratio of trips accepted to trips requests provided by the Raida App. For example, if a driver received 10 requests, and accepts 8, the acceptance rate is 80%.

    (b)When a driver’s account may be deactivated: We may suspend or deactivate a driver’s account based on poor service provided to passengers, as reflected in poor passenger ratings, high cancellation rates and/or low acceptance rates. We consider such deactivation is necessary as negative ratings and cancelled journeys affect passengers’ interests and may affect  Raida’s reputation. Protection of our reputation is important for both  Raida and the drivers who use the  Raida App.

    1. Safety

    The safety of all users of the  Raida App is our top priority. Our platform and software reflect this commitment to safety and allow us to record trips in real time.

    To ensure the safety of our passengers and drivers, we investigate all safety-related incidents or allegations. In accordance with our Complaints Handling Policy,  Raida will assess each complaint received and determine a response. If our investigations reveal that the driver was at fault, the driver’s account may be suspended or deactivated depending on the seriousness of the safety-related incident or allegation. In some cases, we may temporarily suspend an account while our investigation is taking place.

    While we cannot detail every safety issue which may lead to a driver’s account being suspended or deactivated, below are a few examples we consider important.



    (a)Drug and alcohol use

    We do not tolerate the use of drugs or alcohol by drivers while using the  Raida App, or driving a passenger, or drivers providing transportation services to passengers while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. We have a zero-tolerance approach to drug and alcohol use and may suspend or deactivate a driver’s account if the driver is using or has used drugs or alcohol while using the  Raida App, or while driving a passenger, or if we receive complaints from passengers of drug or alcohol use.

    (b)Compliance with road laws, regulations and rules

    All drivers who use the  Raida App are required to comply with all laws, regulations and rules for road use in the relevant jurisdiction at all times. We may suspend or deactivate a driver’s account if the driver is in breach, or may be in breach of any law, regulation or rule relating to road use in the relevant jurisdiction.

    (c)General safety

    We expect drivers to drive safely at all times, especially when providing transportation services to passengers. This is in addition to ensuring compliance with all laws, regulations and rules for road use. We may suspend or deactivate a driver’s account if we receive complaints from passengers about a driver not driving safely or acting in a manner which makes a passenger feel unsafe or has been reported to have engaged in dangerous driving by a passenger.

    Where the driver has caused a serious safety issue, or we believe may have broken the law,  Raida reserves the right to report the driver’s behaviour to the police.

    1. Discrimination

    We are committed to facilitating access to transportation services that are welcoming and inclusive. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination in relation to, amongst other grounds, a person’s race, religion, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, sex, marital status, age or any other personal characteristic protected under any applicable law. We may suspend or deactivate a driver’s account if we receive any complaints about a driver exhibiting discriminatory behaviour.




    1. Fraud and dishonesty

    Fraudulent or dishonest behaviour in respect to the  Raida App is not tolerated.

    (a)What do we mean by fraud and dishonesty: Fraud includes things such as deliberately increasing the time and distance for a trip, creating fake accounts or encouraging passengers to cancel their trip. Dishonesty includes providing inaccurate driver details, incorrect licence plate numbers or vehicle models and inaccurate profile pictures.

    (b)When a driver’s account may be deactivated: We may suspend or deactivate the account of a driver where there is any fraudulent or dishonest activity including but not limited to vehicle ownership, insurance and driving history.

    1. Other unacceptable or unauthorised activities

    We cannot provide an exhaustive list of situations or circumstances where we may suspend or permanently deactivate a driver’s account. We reserve the right to deactivate a driver’s account for any activity that we, in our reasonable opinion, deem unacceptable or unauthorised or any breach of the  Raida App Terms and Conditions or a contravention of any local law that occurs outside of the  Raida App and related to or directly impacting the provision of transportation or delivery services to passengers. This includes but is not limited to any breach of your agreement with  Raida regulating your use of the  Raida App, or any of  Raida’s standards, guidelines, policies, procedures, notices, terms or other requirements issued by  Raida and applicable to drivers as notified to you from time to time. Examples of other activity or conduct that might result in suspension or disqualification include illegal pick-ups, requesting a passenger exit the vehicle after the passenger has met the vehicle or before the vehicle gets to the destination without a legitimate reason (such as the passenger acting unlawfully), harming  Raida’s reputation or brand, or breaching any of  Raida’s policies or standards.

    1. Complaints

    When  Raida receives a complaint in relation to a driver or vehicle providing point-to-point transportation services,  Raida will investigate and seek to resolve the complaint in accordance with its Complaint Handling Policy.

    1. Our right to suspend or deactivate

    Subject to applicable law,  Raida reserves the right to, at any time, suspend or deactivate a driver’s account at its sole discretion for any activity arising from or in connection with the  Raida App or the provision of Services by the driver.


    1.This document is intended to serve as a guide to users of the Raida, a business incorporated under the laws of Tanzania and registered under Brela, registration number 154764496 (“Raida”), or its affiliates ( Raida) app and platform (Raida App), regarding handling of complaints.

    1. About this policy

    2.1This policy is  Raida’s Complaint Handling Policy. This policy sets out our approach to managing complaints we receive about the  Raida App. We are committed to treating complaints seriously and dealing with them promptly, fairly, genuinely and with respect for drivers and passengers whilst respecting their privacy. This policy is intended to help to maintain a service standard and protect  Raida’s reputation, for the mutual benefit of both  Raida and all drivers and passengers.

    This document is intended for guidance purposes only and does not constitute a legal commitment to you regarding the content or standards set out in this document.


    1. Objective of the policy

    3.1We value our community and are committed to resolving complaints confidentially and as efficiently as possible. We also value feedback and complaints because they assist us to improve the  Raida App and the services provided by drivers.

    3.2 Our Complaint Handling Policy aims to:

    (a) manage complaints efficiently, fairly and with respect for privacy; and

    (b) create a culture of learning from complaints that assists  Raida to improve the  Raida App and user experience.

    1. Your safety

    4.1Your safety whilst using the  Raida App is our priority. However, we are unable to guarantee your safety at all times and request that you remain vigilant and alert. If you consider that there is an imminent threat to your safety or witness a breach of the law, please contact the police and/or emergency medical services (as appropriate). In addition, you are responsible for taking the appropriate safety measures whilst riding with  Raida – for example, by always wearing your safety belt.

    1. Our commitment

    5.1We are grateful if you take the time to let us know how you are feeling about your experience using the  Raida App. We take pride in our customer service and welcome feedback and the chance to improve. We know that there is the chance that things can go wrong but if you take the time to contact us about a complaint that you have, our aim is to manage and resolve your complaint efficiently, effectively, with respect and whilst maintaining your privacy in accordance with legal requirements.

    1. How we meet our commitment

    We will endeavour at all times to:

    6.1 provide sufficient resources, including appropriately trained, qualified and supervised personnel, to enable us to manage complaints efficiently and effectively through documented systems and work procedures.

    6.2address each complaint in an equitable, objective and unbiased manner, with a view to a fair and reasonable outcome while at all times respecting privacy.

    6.3 provide an easily accessible complaints process and we will respond quickly to complaints in a professional, courteous and fair manner, aiming to resolve concerns as soon as possible.

    6.4 keep users informed on the progress of their complaint until the matter is resolved.

    6.5 record, monitor and review complaints in order to help identify any steps we can take for proactive improvement of the  Raida App and the services provided by drivers through it.

    6.6 review our complaints handling procedure regularly to ensure it meets users’ needs.

    6.If required by applicable law, we will keep a record of complaints made about drivers operating under licence for the specified minimum period.



    1. Complaints process

    7.1If you have feedback or a complaint about your experience using the  Raida App, please contact us:


    (a) Phone

    Temporarily unavailable due to COVID-19

    (b) Email



    7.2We seek to acknowledge and resolve all complaints as promptly as possible. We will acknowledge your complaint within 7 business days (but if you contact us by mail, we will mail our acknowledgement to you within 7 business days after we receive it).

    7.3We assess each complaint to determine the most appropriate response and prioritise addressing complaints that we consider require urgent action.

    7.4Where possible, complaints will be resolved at the first point of contact. If we are unable to resolve your complaint immediately, we will provide you with a contact person and an estimated timeframe for resolving your complaint. We seek to resolve all complaints within 14 business days after receiving it, however for more complex complaints we will contact you to explain why the investigation requires more time to be resolved. We will record the investigation and the relevant circumstances and information surrounding your complaint.

    7.5During the complaints process we will protect your privacy and only utilise your personal information in accordance with applicable privacy laws and our Privacy Policy.

    7.6At the conclusion of our investigation and, should we be of the view that this is required, we will contact you to explain our findings and any actions we have taken or intend to take. If we contact you by telephone, you may request a written summary of our investigation and our findings during that discussion. If you are satisfied with the outcome of our investigation, we will note your complaint as being resolved and close it in our system.

    7.7While we use our best endeavours to resolve all complaints directly, if we cannot resolve the complaint to your satisfaction after prudent escalation within our business, you may choose to make a complaint to a relevant industry regulator in your jurisdiction.





    1. Anti-Fraud Policy (Applicable to both Drivers and Passengers)

    We treat all complaints or investigations of fraudulent or dishonest activity seriously and will take appropriate steps to address such complaints.

    This policy is intended to help to maintain a service standard and protect  Raida’s reputation, for the mutual benefit of both  Raida and the  Raida community including you. The policy applies to all our drivers and riders.

    By using the  Raida Driver App, you acknowledge and agree that you have read this Anti-Fraud Policy and agree to comply with it.

    This document is intended to serve as a guide to users of the Canoe Technology Pte. Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of Singapore, with registration number 202128868Z, or its affiliates ( Raida) app and platform ( Raida App). It provides examples of the types of events that may be considered to be fraudulent and/or dishonest behaviour.

    Please be aware that the types of events set out in this document are for reference only and do not constitute a closed list.  Raida may, in its sole discretion, propose any other actions that are and consistent with  Raida’s culture and policies, applicable law and reasonable in the circumstances.

    In this document, a fraud case means a scenario where  Raida has determined that a driver or rider has engaged in dishonest or fraud for the purpose of obtaining a financial advantage through the use of the  Raida App. Please be aware that this document is not intended to provide an exhaustive list of all relevant events.

    Drivers should also be familiar with  Raida’s Driver Suspension and Disqualification Policy and any terms and conditions applicable to any promotion. Riders should also be familiar with any applicable terms and conditions for any promotion.








    Trip paid but triggered  Raida’s anti-fraud system and flagged for investigation (e.g. detected trip manipulation by one person creating dummy rider/driver accounts, completing trip with related driver and rider accounts, completing falsified trips, using third-party software or services to disrupt or manipulate the  Raida system, etc.)


    Trip unpaid but triggered  Raida’s anti-fraud system and flagged for investigation (e.g. detected trip manipulation by one person creating dummy rider/driver accounts, completing trip with related driver and rider accounts, completing falsified trips, using third-party software or services to disrupt or manipulates the  Raida system, etc.)


    Trip paid but the system detected that the driver has deliberately increased the time or distance of the trip (and was not directed to do so by the rider)


    Trip paid but the driver started a trip before picking up the rider or delayed ending a trip after dropping off the rider


    Cancellation fee disputed


    Detected or undetected fraud and complaint received from a rider after a trip has been paid by the rider , and the payment has been received by the driver.


     Raida’s anti-fraud system detected that promotion or rewards have been obtained by unfair, deceptive, fraudulent or dishonest means (e.g. detected trip manipulation by one person creating dummy rider/driver accounts, completing trip with related driver and rider accounts, completing falsified trips, using third-party software or services to disrupt or manipulates the  Raida system, etc.)






     Raida may from time to time revise and update this Anti-Fraud Policy. Our Anti-Fraud Policy is published on our website and is available in our mobile applications. We encourage you to review this Anti-Fraud Policy regularly to ensure you are familiar with the current version. By continuing to use the  Raida Driver App after this Anti-Fraud Policy is updated (in whole or in part), you acknowledge and agree that you have read this Anti-Fraud Policy and agree to comply with the updated version.



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Insights & spam detection.

Open stage API with a core feature of data occaecat cupidatat proident, taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings.

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Stage reporting with 50K+ queries.

Open stage API with a core feature of data occaecat cupidatat proident, taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings.

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Fast matching with content delivery.

Open stage API with a core feature of data occaecat cupidatat proident, taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings.


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Reduction in operating costs for the whole product team which creates amazing UI/UX.

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When our team provides design and digital marketing. Applied arts can include industrial design, graphic design, fashion design. The app provides design and digital marketing, applied arts can include industrial design, graphic design.

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When our team provides design and digital marketing. Applied arts can include industrial design, graphic design, fashion design. The app provides design and digital marketing.

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When our team provides design and digital marketing. Applied arts can include industrial design, graphic design, fashion design. The app provides design and digital marketing.

How can I cancel my subscription?

When our team provides design and digital marketing. Applied arts can include industrial design, graphic design, fashion design. The app provides design and digital marketing.

Can I recover an expired account?

When our team provides design and digital marketing. Applied arts can include industrial design, graphic design, fashion design. The app provides design and digital marketing.


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